Independence Day is just around
the corner so I have a patriotic project to share with you.
Here is a banner I made for our Annual
4th of July Picnic. I used Elegant
Edges for the lacy scalloped circles.
Elegant Edges is a great cartridge by the way. It is one of the few I paid more that $40
for. Worth it, but of course I found it
on sale a few weeks later. I just
couldn’t wait on this one when it came out back when.
I used Platin School Book for
the letters (this and Hello Kitty are my favorites for banner letters and titles). I used papers from 3 stacks: The Paper Studio
(A Boy’s Universe), DCWC (The Green Stack), and K & Company (Air Force
Paper). All the papers had a different back
(either white or a different print).
I used Stand and Salute for the
triangle pinafores and the USA circle. The
neat thing I did was wielded a scallop, from Elegant Edges, on top of
the triangle. When I cut these on
two-sided and folded them over, I got a beautiful lacy ruffle dimension.
Once they were cut I scored them
all at the top of the triangle and folded the elegant edge over. Next, I got to use another favorite tool, my Crop-A-Dilel II, to punch holes in the stack
all at once. I used various scraps of red,
white & blue ribbon to tie them all together. Viola – A beautiful July Banner!!
I made one more banner for my
neighbor who came home from Iraq (but I forgot to take picture). If you remember, last year, I made her a
going away album of animal cards for her to send to her three little kidos
while she was gone – They loved it.
As Always,
God Bless and Happy Scrapin’!
Your banner is amazing. They are going to luv it:-)