Sun: Just Because Cards (sunflower)
Sunglasses: Create-A-Critter (cut in half)
Lemonade glass: Just Because Cards
Waves: Stand and Salute
Sand: Paper Dolls for Everyday
“Chillin’”: Create-A-Critter
Papers: The blue “sky” paper is from a boy stack, that I don’t have the name of. I used open cardstock and sandpaper for the sand. I used Prismatic Paper Pack from Best Occasions for the sun and the shades shinny parts .
Straw: A little piece of silver elastic ribbon
This made a nice card for one of the neighbor boy’s
birthday. Hope you are staying cool in
the hot summer “colors”.
Happy Summer, God Bless and Happy Scrapin’!
Oh my goodness, this is so adorable! I love this little card and penguin. Thanks for playing at My Craft Spot.